The Enhanced Energy Savings Program is open to all eligible New Brunswick homeowners, regardless of how they heat their homes.
Three important criteria are used to determine eligibility:
No, the Enhanced Energy Savings Program is open to all eligible New Brunswick homeowners, regardless of energy provider (Saint John Energy, Perth Andover Light Commission and Edmundston Energy, etc.).
Complete the online registration form.
Upgrades are recommended based on a pre-upgrade evaluation by a Certified Energy Advisor. All upgrades require approval by NB Power and are determined based on energy efficiency and savings.
Eligible homeowners will be offered a series of upgrades, such as the addition of basement, attic and wall insulation; ventilation for air quality or humidity issues and mini-split heat pumps for efficient heating (see mini-split eligibility requirements in section below). Homes can qualify for some or all of the potential upgrades to be completed at no cost.
Yes, you must own the home and live in it. Eligible participants must be the owner of the property as registered with Service NB. You must be the primary resident of the home and live in it.
There is no cost to participate in the Program. This program is funded by the Government of New Brunswick and administered by NB Power.
If you received funding from the Department of Social Development, you are eligible to participate.
You are still eligible to be considered to participate in the Enhanced Energy Savings Program.
You are not eligible to participate if you are not the rightful owner of the home.
Spouses or common-law partners who are income splitting (which can affect Line 15000 on your Notice of Assessment), must submit copies or photos of the full CRA T1 Income Tax Return for both adults, instead of the Notice of Assessment.
If you meet the eligibility requirements for the Enhanced Energy Savings Program and rely on electric baseboards as the primary heating source throughout your house, a heat pump may be recommended, if you do not already have one. Similarly, if the eligibility requirements for the Enhanced Energy Savings Program are met and the whole-home heating system is exclusively an oil-fired boiler or oil-fired furnace, then a cold climate air source heat pump or an alternate system may be recommended as part of the home’s upgrades.
No, the mini-splits are an expansion of the Enhanced Energy Savings Program. Eligible homeowners are offered a series of upgrades. The Program targets homes in need of major energy efficiency upgrades, especially those needing insulation and air sealing. The upgrades recommended for your home will be determined at the time of the energy evaluation.
All mini-split heat pumps provided through the EESP will have a 10-year warranty for parts and labour.
Customers are responsible for regular filter cleanings (we’ll provide information to help guide you) and keeping the outdoor area around your mini-split heat pump clean and free of snow/ice build up.
The size and quantity of mini-splits will be based on the expert assessment of your home and can be impacted by square footage and floor plans. In most cases, one mini-split will be installed.
During your home visit, the contractor will determine what is needed to install your mini-split. In some cases, a “pony panel” will be required and the cost will be covered by NB Power. If additional electrical upgrades are required to safely add a mini-split, the cost would be the responsibility of the homeowner.
Mini-splits heat pumps heat, cool and dehumidify your home, keeping you comfortable year-round. They can also save money and energy as they’re much more efficient than traditional heating methods.
The effect a newly installed mini-split heat pump will have on your heating costs varies based on the size, floor plan and your personal usage/temperature settings. We’ll be providing resources to homeowners on how to use your mini-split most efficiently to help you manage your heating and cooling costs.
Anyone who already has a heat pump installed in their home is not eligible for a mini-split as part of the Enhanced Energy Savings Program, but may be eligible for other upgrades like insulation.
We are pleased to expand our contractor network with the addition of qualified Service Organizations and Contractors. Customers accepted in the Enhanced Energy Savings Program (EESP) can now select both their preferred Service Organization and HVAC contractor from those operating in their geographic zone and based on the recommended heating system.
After an application is approved and processed, customers accepted in the EESP will be contacted by NB Power to select their Service Organization and Contractor. We cannot accept selections before an application is approved.
The updated list can be accessed here.
The Oil to Heat Pump Affordability (OHPA) program is part of the Canada Greener Homes Initiative and assists Canadians in switching from oil heating to an electric cold-climate heat pump.
In New Brunswick, NB Power administers the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability (OHPA) program on behalf of Natural Resources Canada. OHPA is delivered through the Enhanced Energy Savings Program (EESP).
The OHPA program is specifically for those homeowners heating with oil. OHPA is delivered under the EESP, and homeowners should apply directly to the EESP for off-oil upgrades. The EESP is open to New Brunswick homeowners with an annual combined household income of $70,000 and under, regardless of how they heat their homes. The program targets homes in need of energy efficiency upgrades, especially those needing insulation and air sealing, at no cost to customers.
If you make over $70,000 you can apply to the Total Home Energy Savings Program to access off-oil funding.
If your household income falls within the median level you can apply for the Total Home Energy Savings Program to access off-oil funding. If your household income is $70,000 and below you can apply the EESP to access off-oil funding. In both cases an energy audit is required. If you want an energy audit to see what other improvements you can do to make your home more energy efficient and to access extra incentives, you should register for NB Power’s Total Home Energy Savings Program. Remember, if you are participating in the Total Home Energy Savings Program, don’t purchase or install your new heat pump until you have had an energy audit on your home.
To participate in the EESP, your original oil-fired heating system will be safely removed and disposed of by the EESP HVAC contractor. This includes any remaining oil fuel, the oil tank, the oil heating system (furnace or boiler), and all supporting infrastructure. This is a requirement to participate in the program. Participants in the Total Home Energy Savings Program are not required to have their oil tank removed; however, these costs are eligible expenses under the program should you wish to do so.
If you want to keep your oil tank you can apply to the Total Home Energy Savings Program.
Homeowners who register for the off-oil option under EESP will not receive a rebate but will receive oil heating upgrades through the EESP program at no cost to the homeowner.
The Enhanced Energy Savings Program (EESP) targets homes in need of major energy efficiency upgrades, especially those needing insulation and air sealing. We rely on the home assessment to determine the heating load of the home and what type of heating options would work best. The intent of expanded Enhanced Energy Savings Program and the Government of New Brunswick is to transition from oil heating and completely remove the oil heating system. Only when conditions prevent removing the system, would it be left in place. This will be determined by the contractor and NB Power.
To participate in the Enhanced Energy Savings Program your original oil heating system will be safely removed by the contractor. This is a requirement to participate in the program.
Yes, you can still apply.
Unfortunately, the Enhanced Energy Savings Program funding would not apply to recent oil purchases.
Contractors will safely dispose of oil in your tank.
Not at this time. The objective of the Oil Heating Transition stream of the Enhanced Energy Savings Program is to help New Brunswickers whose primary and only heating system is oil.
Yes, program participants will be able to select from a list of approved contractors in your geographic Zone that are qualified to complete the work recommended by the Service Organization.
We recently issued four unique Request for Qualifications on the New Brunswick Opportunities Network for heat pump and insulation contractors; contractors to support the Oil Heating Transition portion of the Enhanced Energy Savings Program; and for service organizations to support the Enhanced Energy Savings Program.
Oil Heating Transition is a new stream of the Enhanced Energy Savings Program. If you currently heat with oil and have a combined household income of less than $70,000, we recommend you apply again and select the oil heating option on the registration form to properly categorize your application.
Homeowners are also eligible for a one-time bonus payment of $250. This payment from Natural Resources Canada is to further help homeowners with the costs associated in their transition from oil heating to an eligible heat pump. If you have questions regarding the $250 bonus payment, please contact Natural Resources Canada by email at or by telephone at 1-833-674-8282/TTY 1‑800-465-7735.