New Construction Commercial and Industrial

Registration Form

Thank you for your interest in the New Construction Commercial and Industrial program.

Program Path Options

Which program path are you requesting to participate in? Please choose one of the following two program paths.

If you aren't sure which path to choose, a member of our staff is here to help. Ask us here.

Renewable Energy

Are you considering installing a renewable energy system for electricity generation in your new construction project? If yes, please choose those that apply.

Project Information

Are you a Non-Profit Housing Organization?
Will the Development be located within a First Nations community?
Are you the owner of the Development?
Are you requesting program participation on behalf of the owner of the Development?

To participate in the New Construction Commercial and Industrial program, you must either apply as the owner of the development or on behalf of the owner.

Please provide the address of the development:

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Project Owner Contact Information

Language Preference

Company Mailing Address:

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Are you currently working with an Energy Modeller?

Energy Modeller Information

Each of the new construction program paths requires energy modelling. If you are currently working with an Energy Modeller, please provide their information.

Program Terms & Conditions

I have read, understood and agree with the Program terms and conditions.

Please consult the Program terms and conditions.

Would you be interested in hearing about other efficiency programs/services, tips and advice? You can opt out at any time.

Please let us know how you heard about this program. Choose all that apply.
Note: For more information on security and privacy of information, please read our Privacy Policy.